Step 1: Set Up a Instagram Professional Account

  1. Sign up for a Instagram Professional Account.
  2. Connect your business Facebook Page to your Instagram Professional Account.
  3. Complete the setup by providing the necessary business details.

Step 2: Setup Your App in Meta

  1. If you do not have your app created in Meta, please complete the instructions in the previous guide named “Getting Started”.

  2. Head over to your app and add the Messenger and Webhook products. Add Messenger and Webhook products Products

  3. You will find the products on the Developer App Dashboard located on the left side. Navigate to Instagram Settings Dashboard

  4. Click Generate Token and copy the Page Access token. You will neeed this later. Token

  5. Head over to the settings of your Meta Business Account and click Instagram. Settings

Take note of your Business Account ID. ID

Step 3: Add the Instagram Chat Integration in your Libraria Account

  1. Navigate to “Settings” under your desired library. Settings

  2. Navigate to Integrations and click Instagram Integration

  3. Paste your previously saved Instagram Buisness Account ID and Page Access token ID

  4. Copy the webhook URL and Token webhook and token

Step 4: Setting up your Webhook Endpoint

  1. Head back to your Meta Developer Account and select your app.

  2. Go to Instagram Settings and go into the Webhooks Section and click “Edit callback URL”. Paste your webhook URL and Token from Libraria here. Webhook Webhook URL

  3. After successfuly saving your URL and token, click “Edit Subscriptions” and subscribe to “messages”. Subscriptions

Congratulations, you have successfully setup your Instagram Integration.

Official Meta documentation can be found here.